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News & Media


Mar 2023

Confidence in something unseen. We know the difference it makes.

Confidence in something unseen. We know the difference it makes.

A terminal diagnosis is a life-altering event that can bring immense pain, fear, and uncertainty. Hope is a vital part of coping.

When faced with such a diagnosis, maintaining hope is one of the most challenging things for patients and their loved ones. However, hope is an essential part of coping with a terminal diagnosis, and it can have a significant impact on the quality of life of both the patient and their loved ones.

First and foremost, hope provides a sense of purpose and motivation. It gives patients a reason to wake up each day, keep fighting, and focus on what is important in life. When faced with a terminal diagnosis, patients may feel as though they have lost control over their lives. However, by maintaining hope, they can regain some sense of control. Hope also helps patients to stay engaged with their treatment and participate actively in their care, which can improve their outcomes.

Secondly, hope can provide comfort and solace in the face of a difficult diagnosis. It can help patients to feel less alone and isolated as they connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Hope can also provide a sense of peace and acceptance, which can be crucial in helping patients come to terms with their diagnosis and prepare for the end of their life.

Finally, hope can have a positive impact on the mental health of both patients and their loved ones. It can help to reduce anxiety, depression, and feelings of hopelessness, which are common in the face of a terminal diagnosis. By fostering a sense of hope, patients and their loved ones can experience a greater sense of emotional well-being and resilience, even in the face of adversity.

Hope is a vital part of coping with a terminal diagnosis. It provides MOTIVATION, COMFORT, and PEACE, and can have a positive impact on mental health.

Although hope may not change the outcome of the diagnosis, it can help patients and their loved ones make the most of the time they have together and find meaning and purpose in their lives, even in the face of great adversity.

The team at Reflections understands how important hope is and what a difference it can make. With empathy that can only come from lived experience, they help both patients and carers come to terms with what lies ahead and are there to walk each step with them. These services are provided at no cost or obligation to the client and are only possible through the generous contributions of our supporters.

You can help to make these services sustainable by donating to the work they do in and for the community, bringing hope. As a registered charity, all donations over $2 are tax deductible and will make a real difference. Contact the team to find out more.

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