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Aug 2022

Hope for people affected by Mesothelioma

Hope for people affected by Mesothelioma

With the support of Cancer Australia, Reflections will develop much-needed, disease-specific resources.

Reflections is a not-for-profit reducing the impact of asbestos on the community by increasing awareness of the ongoing risk and supporting people affected by asbestos disease. We have provided support and connections for people affected by mesothelioma since 2013. Whether facing a fresh diagnosis or further along in their journey, our community gain immense value from connecting in.  

The Reflections team provide unique insight and support. All our front-line team have personal experience caring for a loved one with Mesothelioma. Having walked in their shoes, we provide understanding, advocacy, and support in-person, online and by phone. We create a non-judgmental, safe space to vent for all of those traversing this difficult time.  

Reflections have established relationships with Specialists and community health and support providers. This allows us to facilitate timely and appropriate connections between our community and providers, often bridging the gap between services. 

We understand that existing mainstream support services generally focus on treatment and survival, leaving mesothelioma sufferers feeling isolated and disempowered, and struggling to source sharable/reliable information that balances realistic expectations with hope.

To expand and extend our services, support and quality of care, we have partnered with Cancer Australia to develop The Hope Companion Project – practical support and specialised, disease-specific resources for patients, carers and clinicians impacted by mesothelioma. This palliative care model balances the urgency of knowledge with compassion and respect.

“Mesothelioma is a lonely cancer. Mum and Dad didn’t find the care and support they needed when Dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma and given only 6-9 months to live. We established Reflections so that others have the support and resources they need.”  

Jo Morris, Reflections Managing Director and Co-founder

Reflections have received seed funding from Cancer Australia to support this three-year project. This commonwealth funding is part of the Supporting People with Cancer initiative aimed at improving support for people affected by cancer. Other support will come from partners and the community.

Reflections look forward to, in the words of their Patron, Prof Lyn Beazley… “making this cruel disease a thing of our past and not our future.” But in the meantime, it is an honour and privilege to help others in any way we can.

If you are interested in getting involved or supporting this important work, do not hesitate to get in contact and one of the team will get back to you.

Donations over $2 are tax deductible and will make a real difference. Thank you!

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